This is what a cloudy day in Cusco looks like. |
Two years ago, right around this time, I dyed parts of my hair pink. More parts than I'd wanted but that's a bit beside the point by now. I'd thought about it for years, I put temporary dyes in that lasted for a few days, and then one day I just decided that it was time. I bought the dye, put it in my hair, and wha-la. Pink hair!
It lasted for about 6 months, which was perfect.
Almost immediately I started thinking about which color would be next. Purple.
But when? Most businesses in Cookeville won't hire someone with purple hair yet, unfortunately. Further complicating the situation, purple hair dye in middle TN is hard to come by unless you go to a salon and pay upwards of $50. And then there was always the factor that I like my hair the color it is. And furthermore, I was planning a trip to Korea where everyone has black hair. (Or so I thought, it turns out that most people in Korea dye their hair - just not purple.)
And then I kind of forgot about it.
Until this summer.
I'd thought about cutting my hair for a change, shorter than it's been in years. But I just can't bring myself to do it. So then on Thursday, when I was in the local mall with one of my friends, walking the PlazaVea - the local Wal-Mart equivalent - we wandered into the toiletries section for some shampoo. Then somewhere in my unsuccessful search for shaving cream, I saw the hair dyes. I did the normal quick scan, and what in the world?!? They had purple!! And not the cheap bubble gum or popcorn candy purple. No, the real purple. From Garneir Fructis, a trusted brand. So I bought it. $8.
The Instructions were in Spanish. But like a said, I'd done it before, problems!
Yes, it's a bit subtle. Only seen in certain light. Only seen when I style my hair certain ways. But every time I notice the purple, I just get this happy feeling inside and do a little happy dance. Yes, I think I do the happy dance every time I see the purple. I love it.
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