More than 2 miles above sea level there is a small town comprised almost entirely of tourist attractions, those who visit them, and those who cater to the visitors. Most of these visitors appear to be something like hippie wanna-bees. South America seems to attract those, and especially this little town of Ollantaytambo. Maybe it's because it's the end of a road. Maybe it's because its beautiful. Maybe it's because you can almost feel the Incan spirit in the air. Whatever the reason, Ollantaytambo seems to be both the end of the world and the meeting place of many worlds.
The main attraction is a set of ruined terraces climbing up a mountain side. It costs 70 soles to get into (approximately $25) and maybe 5 minutes to explore.
On an adjacent mountain there are other ruins, a steep and craggy path, and plenty of wonderful vistas. Take a look!
I'm not sure what this building used to be, but whoever inhabited it had a pretty amazing view. I wonder what Ollantaytambo looked like 500 years ago... |
Just the edge of a cliff. :) |
Here you can see the Terraces for free. |
Then we climbed up higher and found a cave. |
Then we climbed even higher and found the top of a mountain, well...almost. |
Wishing towers.
Here's to hoping the adventure never ends! |
Beautiful end to a beautiful day. |
It's so pretty there!