>> There was glitter in the wall paper that also happened to be ceiling paper.
>> The room contained slippers, an ash tray, an amazing calendar, toothbrushes, razors, and even drinks in the fridge.
>> There was a window into the hallway that was on the opposite side of the room from my door.
>> The entryway was fitted with a motion-sensitive light. (I have since learned that most newer buildings have this feature.)
>> In order to have lights in the room I inserted my key into a sensor next to the door.
Supposedly, because I walked through this archway, I will never grow old. (Does that mean I'll die young?)
Gyeongbokgung Palace
One of the palaces which the last emperor of Korea inhabited. He was actually killed in this one.
This is the main gate area. The emperors' throne was in this building.
The general populous was not admitted to see the emperor, however, lawyers were allowed to bring their cases before him.
They stood here in class order. When I took this picture, I was standing where the most prestigious of the lawyers would have waited.
If you like enormous roses...
Dining in style
TIMES SQUARE (That's all I have to say about that.)
This is my room.
And my orange luggage.
And far more cabinet, drawer, and closet space than I will need.
And no where to put my suitcase once unpacked.
And my very comfortable bed.
And my window.
And the view from my window!! I love it.
New York hotdog company. And the convenience store. And believe me - it is definitely convenient!
Finally, a billboard for SCH University as seen from the platform of the train station in Cheonam.
aw..I love the pictures! keep 'em coming:)Glad you have a nice view from your window. Miss you, though!